1996-04 Worn Sikyatki Revival Stew Bowl – Polychromatic Design
Large, worn polychromatic stew bowl, unsigned, ca 1920. The pot has a shiny look from having been in contact with the fat in cooked meat. (See 1990-03 for an older Polacca ware stew bowl that does not seem to have been...
1996-03 Globular Jar with Avian Design
Polychromatic jar with feather designs by Stella Huma. I think Stella Huma was an extraordinary potter; like 1986-02 this pot glows with almost an inner light. Her pots are finely balanced and the designs naturally fit the pot shape. I visited with Ms. Huma in 1987...
1996-02 Monochromatic Bowl with Simple Design
Monochromatic pot with flower identification mark of Sadie Adams. For a photograph of Ms. Adams, see Gaede (1977:20). For a jar by Sadie’s daughter, Lorna Lomakema, see...