Daisy Hooee Nampeyo made this pot in 1984. Although the design is used by Nampeyo family members, it is unusual. For another pot in this collection with a similar design, see 2011-04.
For biographies of Daisy, see Fowler (1977) and Butterfield (1980). See also, the Blair’s book (1999:194-199) and Dillingham (1994:41) for her comments about pottery and a picture. Finally, see Trimble (1987:22-23, 28, 92, 94, and 110). Daisy, daughter of Annie Nampeyo, was born between 1906 and 1910; almost went blind; was rescued by a wealthy white woman; treated and then educated and trained as an artist in Europe. Her third marriage was to a Zuni man (Leo Hooee); she lived and taught at Zuni. According to JR Bloom, the confusion over her birth date might be the result of her white patron’s need to get a passport that would prove her old enough to travel alone to Europe. Daisy died in 1994, ten years after making pot 1994-08.
For other pots in the collection by Daisy, see the Artist List.