Hopi pot with elements including the Zuni-inspired “rainbird” design, by Verla Dewalkuku.
This is the most modern rendition in the collection of the rainbird image that figured so prominently in the Polacca ware style that predates the Sikyatki revival. After the revival, the image survived on pottery intended for domestic use rather than sale to tourists. See “Rain Bird Design” in the Category List for a complete listing of pots in this collection using variations of this design.
June Vashli Read, who wrote a note that accompanied the pot, bought the pot at Hopi: “We drove and climbed to the top of the Second Mesa in Arizona, where we bought this lovely bowl from the slim young woman who made it. She loved living on this high mesa because ‘we are close to the stars.’ In the clear Arizona air it seemed we could look out over the whole world.” Ms. Read probably bought the pot on First Mesa, not Second. The note is undated.