Hopi-Tewa globular seed pot with a design of butterflies encircling the opening, which is red and in the form of a six-pointed star by Hisi Nampeyo. Hisi (Camille Joy Quotskuyva) is the daughter of Dextra and thus the great-great-granddaughter of the “Old Lady.” Given that alternate figures on this pot seem to be wearing kachina dance tabletas, I would interpret these figures and butterfly clan kachina dancers. Marti Struever in her book describes a similar design as “male and female moths” (2008:93).

Hisi is one of the young potters taught by Dextra. Their work is characterized by technical excellence.

The balanced simplicity of this pot and its delicate use of butterfly figures give it a quiet, centering power. Variations of this design are frequently used by Hisi.

For other pots in the collection by Hisi, see the Artist List. For potery by her son, Lowell Cheresposy, see the “Artist List.”.

Purchase History:
Purchased on 3/17/99 on eBay.