Small Hopi-Tewa pot with Sikyatki bird design and frets, etc. This pot is carefully designed and painted and is curious: it is both traditional and perhaps radically different from the Sikyatki Revival tradition. Like many Hopi and Hopi-Tewa potters, Cheryl turned to the Bureau of American Ethnology reports of the excavations at Sikyatki for design inspiration. The overall design and the bird image on this pot is taken directly from Fewkes (1973:66- 67 and 133). This wall of this pot is incredibly thin and even, perhaps too thin and even to have been formed by coil. If the pot was slip cast from native clay, it is a radical departure from Hopi-Tewa pottery tradition, though in line with more recent trends at Acoma. (See Dillingham,1992.) Blushing indicates it was traditionally fired. Born in 1962, Cheryl is the daughter of Shirley and the granddaughter of Daisy, for whom she painted pots (1994-03).
Purchase History:
Purchased in May 2002 at Palm’s Trading Co., in Albuquerque, NM.