Eagle Tail Design
The splotchy red paint suggests a production date before 1930; I originally estimated 1910 to 1920. The Blairs (1999:92-93) point out that this eagle feather design is characteristic of Nampeyo’s work and is considered as “owned” by her family (as in Nampeyo’s seedpot...
The decoration is a variation of a design developed by Nyla’s great-great grandmother in the early part of the 20th Century (see Kramer, 1996:150 and 186 and Struever, 2001:102-103) and directly used by Nyla’s sister Jean (see 1999-08). Here, Nyla has inverted and...
The pot is encircled by four similar but different avian designs consisting of curvilinear elements hanging from more linear elements. Donella, the daughter of Jean Sahme, was seven years old when she made 1994-18, 26 years old when she formed 1998-06, and 33 when she...
Folk Art Bird Design
This Hopi-Tewa shallow bowl has an incurving rim, a single folk art bird interior design, and a four-element exterior design, repeated twice. The bowl is not particularly well made; it is slightly asymmetrical and has an uneven rim. Nevertheless, this is a compelling...
This Hopi-Tewa bowl has an abstract geometric design, rim ticking, and an extra rim coil. The extra coil and cross-sectional shape suggests the bowl was formed by Nampeyo. During a visit to his home (4/23/09), Ed Wade said he believed that Annie was the painter. Upon...