Hopi, Sikyatki low-shouldered jar, Grace-Chapella-butterfly design by Dianna Tahbo (born 1960). Grace’s daughter Alma Chapella Tahbo had a son Ramon Tahbo. He married Mary and they had a son Mark (1958-2017) and a daughter, Dianna (1960-2011). For a picture of Dianna and her discussion of how she learned pottery from Mark, see Dillingham (1994:8). This is a finer rendition of the design used by Alma Chapella Tahbo (1989-07), itself derived from a famous old Sikyatki bowl. For a picture of Grace Chapella and her version of this design (from Rick’s collection), see Dillingham (1994:5). Mark Tahbo’s rendition of this design is shown on 1995-01 and 1995-10. See also, Trimble (1987:95). [Also pictures of this same bowl I took while photographing part of the Dillingham collection, on file.]
Purchase History:
Purchased on 5/19/92 from Andrews Pueblo Pottery, in Albuquerque, NM.