2012-24 White-Slipped Polychrome Jar with Parrots
This is an especially graceful vase that is both extraordinarily thin and well-formed, with an elegant polychromatic design that beautifully fits the form of the pot. “Graceful, extraordinary, elegant and beautiful”: you get the idea. The design is a variation of a...
2005-02 Early Sikyatki Revival Bowl with Crooks and Clown Faces
This pot has a design that consists of three elements: 1) a black pahos (prayer feather) or sash emerging from a “clown” design, 2) a squared black crook, and 3) a pointed red crook with 12 thin “hair” lines. This three-element design is repeated twice on the pot. The...
2001-01 White-Slipped Vase
White-Slipped Hopi-Tewa pot with abstract exterior design signed “Buffalo Maiden (Mary Ami).” This is not an exceptional pot, but Mary Ami does not seem to have been a prolific potter and her pots rarely come on the market. Mary was born in 1919; her mother (“Dalee”)...
1994-01 Small White-Slipped Jar
White-slipped Hopi vase with Sikyatki revival design by “D.R.,” apparently Donna Robertson (born 1972), with the Navasie family frog plus a tadpole mark. Polychrome with stippled design. Ken Osborne of Many Hands Gallery in Sedona believed “DR” to be the child of...