2010-31 Corn Maiden

2010-31 Corn Maiden

Though unsigned, this figure is apparently by Lowell Cheresposy, Hisi’s son and grandson of Dextra: an impressive lineage. The figure is carved from a solid chunk of clay. The only painting is the black hair. Only the corn stalk on the left side of the figure is...
2010-28 Jar With Geometric Designs and Etching

2010-28 Jar With Geometric Designs and Etching

Loren stone polished this jar using vertical top-to-bottom motion, a difficult and time-consuming technique. Two incised bands textured with a scrafito knife encircle the jar. The design has three red elements, two of these are also incised and textured, and one is...
2010-27 Redware Jar with Monochromatic Avian Designs

2010-27 Redware Jar with Monochromatic Avian Designs

This pot is made of “sikyatska,” yellow clay that fires red. The clay has different properties than the more common grey clay (that fires gold/tan) and is said to be more difficult to work. Pots made from made of sikyatska seem to be finer-grained, with exceptionally...