Nathan Begaye’s earliest work as a teenager is strikingly well-painted using a variation of an ancient Sikyatki design (2013-01). Thereafter, while his work remained rooted in Native aesthetic, his exceptional creativity produced a dazzling variety of...
Folk Art Bird Design
This tile is much busier and dynamic than most Hopi tiles, yet it retains a sense of serenity and grace. Above a field of pottery shards, a Sikyatki parrot flies in a sky full of crosses, dots and butterflies. The soft “thunk” heard when striking the tile...
Kachina Design
Pot 2019-22 is significant because it helps define the limits of Nampeyo’s legacy. This is the smallest pot in the collection by a potter who –as near as I can tell– make two pots in her career. Janelle is five generations removed from “The Old...
The head is 3.06″ wide (ear-to-ear) and 2.375″ deep (nose to back). The walls are about 0.5″ thick. The rawhide is about 4.75″ long. The clay used for the mask fired a light brick red. The glaze appears to be commercial and fired at a high...
The statue is 7.125″ deep (front to back) at the base; 6.125″ deep, chest to the lip of the spout. This collection contains a number of Hopi effigy pots (see category listing), but nothing that approaches the form, detail or expressiveness of this work by...