This collection contains one of the earliest pots made by Les (1994-09), which seems quite traditional in both form and design. His work grows from his Tewa-Hopi and Zuni heritage, but as his career evolved both the forms of his clay vessels and his decoration of them...
This seedpot is exuberance. Abstract forms in black, red, white and grey swirl over its surface forming a dramatic crazy quilt. There are elements of Hopi design here, but the influence of Miro predominates. A pot that encourages you to smile while you dance to is...
Hopi is a matriarchal society. This is a clay tile by an artist of paternal Hopi descent who grew up at Zuni, currently lives at Zuni, and was trained as a potter at Hopi by Dextra Quotskuyva Nampeyo, the leading Hopi-Tewa potter of her generation. It is made of...
This pot has a unique shape and a realistic design crafted to fit that shape.. More than any other pot in the collection, form and design work together to create an explicit visual story. I’m enchanted; Les does not remember making the pot. Les is a...
Photographs courtesy of King Galleries. Click on image to enlarge. The techniques used to make this jar are traditional: organic and mineral paints and an outdoor, dung firing. The end cap designs are monochromatic and formal, inherently conservative in color and...