2021-18 Small seedpot with gliding birds
The design on this jar has a large impact, but its detail is minuscule. Without a reference point a viewer might guess this perfectly formed and painted jar to be many times its actual size. It’s a gem of pure beauty and joy: birds gliding with energy in an...
2020-12 Folk art bird tile
This bird is part of a flock of folk birds that regularly adorn Hopi and Hopi-Tewa pottery, cf 1998-10, 2002-10, 2007-13 and 2008-05. Lorna’s tile is indistinguishable from the work of her mother, Sadie Adams, who for decades demonstrated pottery making and won...
2020-03 Small Flying Birds Seedjar
Jar 2011-28 made ca. 1900-1905 This small seedjar jar sits firmly on a table, but it does not sit alone. Rachael used 100+ year-old jar 2011-28 in this collection as a model for pot 2020-03, but also exercised her artistic license to modify both the form and design as...
2019-23 Tile with parrot and shard design
This tile is much busier and dynamic than most Hopi tiles, yet it retains a sense of serenity and grace. Above a field of pottery shards, a Sikyatki parrot flies in a sky full of crosses, dots and butterflies. The soft “thunk” heard when striking the tile...