2008-02 Small Jar with Avian Design

2008-02 Small Jar with Avian Design

The design on this jar is a somewhat linear variation of an old Nampeyo design reproduced on the cover and front page of Collins (1974). The Collins images are from a pot owned by Richard Howard and later sold to Martha Streuver. Full photographs of the Nampeyo pot...
2008-01 Polychromatic Seedpot with Batwing Design

2008-01 Polychromatic Seedpot with Batwing Design

The batwing design was used by Nampeyo and became a classic Nampeyo family design. In my opinion, this batwing design was the most elegant design painted by Fannie. [For another batwing jar painted by Fannie, see 2009-14.] Annie was born in 1883; her daughter Rachel...