2002-11 Low Bowl – Eroded – with Simple Design and Rim Coil
Low bowl with polychromatic design of six stylized bird (?) shapes that encircle the pot between two sets of framing lines. The pot is eroded and the design is worn, perhaps by water, as if someone had used it under a potted plant. Attributed to Nampeyo. As with...
2002-09 Large Bat-Wing/Fine Line Olla
A large asymmetric Hopi-Tewa pot with polychromatic design of five thin parallel framing lines around the neck, with intermittent black squares forming “steps,” two thicker framing lines, the bottom one is faded and is the only red on the pot, a wide band formed of...
2002-03 Shallow Dish with Superb Abstract Avian Design
The design on the interior of this bowl is composed of elements that are typically used by Nampeyo; what is extraordinary is their simple, powerful configuration. Of the more than five dozen pots by Nampeyo in this collection, this bowl and one other (2014-07) best...