2010-08 Large Red Clay Vase with Feet and Hand Designs
Formed from yellow clay (“sikyatska”) that turns red upon firing, this large vase features designs based on the outlines of Jean’s feet and hands: the left foot and hand are displayed on one side of the jar, the right on the other. Jean tells me she traced her feet...
2009-08 Small Bowl with White Slip – Interior Footprint Design – transition period – 1890’s
This small, unsigned pot has a classic Polacca crackled slip on the interior and is decorated with a monochromatic image of a foot with design elements that perhaps represent migration paths. (Note: A Pahana’s interpretation of the “meaning” of a design is dubious, at...
2009-06 Bowl with Sikyatki Hand and Exterior Glyphs
Fewkes (1973:44, 54 facing page) excavated a number of bowls at Sikyatki that depict the human hand; this image might have inspired Rachel’s work. [For a modern photograph of this Sikyatki bowl, see S. and H. Koenig 1976:107.] Another Jeddito bowl with a hand image is...